4 Most Common Crimes During the Holidays
There’s no place on earth as exciting and frantic as New York during the holidays. Being busy takes on a new meaning, even for a New York criminal defense attorney. For many people, crime puts a damper on the festivities. New York typically sees a spike in certain crimes during the holiday season. Security ramps […]
Why crime rates go up in December
The holiday season is often filled with celebrations, events, and gatherings with family and friends. Many people, this time of year, spend a lot of effort and money to make the season special. Unfortunately, this time of year also brings an increase in crime. There are many things that can contribute to this increase in […]
Tyrants on the Loose: Trump’s Immigration Ban & Deportation Coming to A City Near You
When a federal appeals court looked beyond the four corners of President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration, which bans immigrants to the United States from 7 predominantly Muslim countries, it strengthened the pillars of a constitutional democracy. The case reminds citizens of the world that governments don’t enjoy unfettered discretion to infringe individual’s rights and liberties […]
Pandora’s Box: Requesting New List of GECOM Nominees A Dangerous Precedent
When Guyana’s President David Granger requested a second list of nominees for Chairman of the country’s Elections Commission (GECOM) from the Leader of the Opposition, he extended an olive branch and created a dangerous precedent. The submission of a list of nominees is a one-shot deal. The Constitution does not provide for the submission of […]
Fit and Proper: An Unnecessary Fight
When a moment in time presents an opportunity for a historian to leave foot prints in the sand, you expect him to seize the moment. The rejection of the list of nominees for Chairman of Guyana’s Elections Commission (GECOM), presented such an opportunity to President David Granger and he demurred. Mr. Granger traded a legacy-making […]
Dancing on Black Ice Part II: The Reply to Nandlall on the GECOM Brouhaha
Grown accustomed to a nuanced application of legal principles from Guyana’s former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, I was disappointed by his response to my article Dancing on Black Ice: That Legal Threat Over a Nonjusticiable Constitutional Provision. Though his article, The President is Not Above the Law was published as a response, the former AG resorts to sweeping […]
Dancing on Black Ice: That Legal Threat Over a Nonjusticiable Constitutional Provision
It is hard to think of a more flawed interpretation of an expressed constitutional provision than what we are currently witnessing in the feud over the selection of a Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). Current President David Granger offers a baffling interpretation of the Constitution and former President Bharrat Jagdeo treats us to […]
How Bleak Are Your Chances Of Obtaining A Mortgage After Bankruptcy?
New York Bankruptcy Attorney Most people dread bankruptcy and the stigma attached to it. There are many who worry about the impact of a bankruptcy on their ability to obtain a mortgage in the future. However, the future may not be as bleak as it seems for people who file for bankruptcy. It definitely doesn’t ruin […]
Naked in Cyber-Space: What You Should Know About The Encryption Debate
In 2014 the world was stunned by the release of hundreds of nude, semi-nude, and otherwise revealing pictures of female celebrities that were stolen from digital vaults. It is one thing to stand on Broadway and show some skin for a few fleeting seconds. It is not quite the same, having your nude image transmitted […]
Deferred Action For Illegal Immigrants A Dream Or Nightmare?
New York City Immigration Attorney On November 20, 2014 President Barrack Obama took a bold step, hoping to bring relief to millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States. Using Executive Orders, Mr. Obama implemented what is called the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA). The measure touted as a dream for illegal immigrants now […]