Category: Immigration

Defending People's Rights and Freedoms

Tyrants on the Loose: Trump’s Immigration Ban & Deportation Coming to A City Near You

February 12, 2017 Blogs,Immigration

By. Vivian M. Williams, Esq, LL.M When a federal appeals court looked beyond the four corners of President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration, which bans immigrants to the United States from 7 predominantly Muslim countries, it strengthened the pillars of a constitutional democracy. The case reminds citizens of the world that governments don’t enjoy unfettered discretion […]

Deferred Action For Illegal Immigrants A Dream Or Nightmare?

May 30, 2015 Blogs,Immigration

New York City Immigration Attorney On November 20, 2014 President Barrack Obama took a bold step, hoping to bring relief to millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States. Using Executive Orders, Mr. Obama implemented what is called the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA). The measure touted as a dream for illegal immigrants now […]

U.S. Extends Humanitarian Assistance for Nationals of African Countries Striken by Ebola

September 20, 2014 Blogs,Immigration

Citizens of West African countries that are severely affected by the Ebola outbreak could take advantage of significant immigration relief measures instituted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in August, 2014. The Humanitarian measures would allow persons from Ebola ravished West African countries who are currently in the United States to obtain a […]

Domestic Violence is Now Grounds for Asylum in US

September 6, 2014 Blogs,Immigration

The Board of Immigration Appeals, the highest immigration court in the U.S. has has ruled that victims of severe domestic violence in their home countries may be eligible for asylum in the United States. A New York immigration attorney can help you find out if you are eligible. In reviewing the case of a battered woman […]

Asserting Forced Marriage as Grounds For Asylum

June 27, 2014 Blogs,Immigration

Significant ground is being gained in recognizing forced marriages as grounds for asylum in the United States. There is some grey area in the law on forced marriages but steady progress is being made towards accepting forced marriages as a harm that makes the victims eligible for asylum in the United States. While there is […]

New York Considering Citizenship for Undocumented

June 25, 2014 Blogs,Immigration

Lawmakers in New York are seeking to create a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in New York. If granted the new proposal which was introduced in Albany on June 16, would allow documented immigrants who are NOT US citizens and undocumented immigrants living in New York to vote and run for office in […]